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Taxation and State Revenue Law

Taxation Law In Australia

Australian tax law is a comprehensive framework governing the taxation of individuals, businesses, and other entities within the country. It encompasses various types of taxes, including income tax, goods and services tax (GST), and capital gains tax (CGT), among others. Administered primarily by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), the law mandates that individuals and businesses report their income accurately and pay taxes accordingly. The tax system is progressive, meaning that tax rates increase as income levels rise, aimed at ensuring a fair contribution from all income earners. Additionally, Australian tax law provides numerous deductions, offsets, and concessions to support taxpayers and incentivize certain economic activities, such as investment in research and development. Compliance with tax obligations is enforced through rigorous auditing and penalty measures, making it essential for taxpayers to stay informed and adhere to the regulations.

Taxation Law In New Zealand

New Zealand tax law is a structured system designed to collect revenue from individuals, businesses, and other entities within the country. The primary forms of taxation include income tax, goods and services tax (GST), and property tax. Administered by Inland Revenue (IR), the tax system is progressive, with tax rates increasing alongside income levels, ensuring an equitable contribution from all income earners. New Zealand’s tax law also incorporates various deductions, credits, and exemptions to support taxpayers and encourage investment in key areas such as business development and innovation. Unlike many other countries, New Zealand does not impose a capital gains tax on most transactions, although some specific gains may be taxed. Compliance is strictly monitored, with comprehensive reporting requirements and penalties for non-compliance, making it crucial for taxpayers to stay informed about their obligations.

Our Experience

As a Specialist Tax Lawyer, from 2000 – 2015 our Princpal Solicitor was involved in advising New Zealand Inland Revenue on complex tax matters and tax administration issues. He is very experienced in Tax Binding Rulings process, Tax Audit process, and Tax Disputes Resolution process. He has dealt with many tax investigations, tax disputes and tax debt issues within and outside Inland Revenue. In his private practice at IR Legal, he has assisted many taxpayers who have been under audit or invertigations from Inland Revenue or been summoned to court on bankruptcy charges. In the last 24 months he has saved more than 12 businesses from bankruptcies or liquidations and saved many dollars for clients on penalties proposed by the Inland Revenue. So at IR Legal, we are able to manage tax disputes on your behalf, assist with Inland Revenue initiated tax audits or investigations, request indicative views from Inland Revenue on complex tax matters so you know you are doing the right thing, and seek binding rulings from Inland Revenue for business arrangements you wish to implement in order to limit your audit risks in relation to those arrangements. We can also negotiate tax debt arrangements with Inland Revenue.

Areas Of Our Tax Law Practice

Tax Organisations